
Treasure (foretold)_web

Treasure (foretold)

Treasure (blighted)_web

Treasure (blighted)

Treasure (taken)_web

Treasure (taken)

Treasure (lost)_web
Treasure (lost)

Treasure (abandoned)_web
Treasure (abandoned)

Treasure (forgotten)_web

Treasure (forgotten)

Treasure (wagered)_web
Treasure (wagered)

Treasure Series

In its inversion of what lies above the land to what lies below, the Treasure series of prints encapsulates the key trope of excavation in Váriʼs current work. The factories that labour so destructively to transmute the stuff of the earth into other materials now descend from the sky, pointing their toxic fumes down at an undefined, fantastical landscape populated by strange denizens, across whose bodies flit the ghostly ectoplasmic remains of those who labour underground.

Treasure series
Pigment ink on cotton fibre paper
Dimensions: 1000mm x 637mm

© Minnette Vári 2025 | All Rights Reserved