Charm series (Torment of the Metals)

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Charm series (Torment of the Metals) 002_web
2012-3 Charm series (Torment of the Metals)001_web
Charm series (Torment of the Metals)
Installation views at the Goodman Gallery, Johannesburg, 2013

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Sunday's Child01_web

Sunday’s Child (fine gold and chalcopyrite)

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Monday's Child01_web

Monday’s Child (sterling silver)

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Tuesday's Child01_web

Tuesday’s Child (iron and steel)

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Wednesday's Child01_web

Wednesday’s Child (mercury and silicone)

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Thursday's Child01_web

Thursday’s Child (tin)

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Friday's Child01_web

Friday’s Child (copper)

Charm series (Torment of the Metals) - Saturday's Child01_web
Saturday’s Child (lead)

The Charm series (Torment of the Metals)

A series of seven jewel-like objects, the ‘Charm Series’ references the goddess Baubo’s reputed apotropaic magic; ‘that which turns away harm’. Each is based on a piece of space debris (parts of satellites, rocket booster gear etc.) that have fallen back to earth, arriving as mangled, alien revenants.
The reference to the number seven is to seven days of the week, where each day corresponds to a heavenly body and its related metal, gods & goddesses; eg. Wednesday (Mercredi) = Mercury = Wodin/Mercurius/Hermes. As messenger and go-between of the gods, it’s fitting that Wednesday is midweek. Likewise, each of these objects relate to their individual values and mythologies.
This collaboration with designer goldsmith Cronjé Grobbelaar also evokes alchemical principles of change, the metaphysical journey from lead to gold, transmutation and return.

Charm series (Torment of the Metals)
Gold, Silver, Iron, Mercury, Tin, Copper, Lead
All objects presented in hand blown glass bell jars with
bases of African mahogany.

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